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Pure Great Dane Puppies

This is a litter out of Madusa of Possoms and Dozer of Possoms (The Duke of Earl)
Possoms Pup 1 

 This is a Male fawn pup. He was the first born.  He is full of spunk and will be a great Hunter. By 8 weeks old he was already hunting turtles in our pond.

Possoms Pup 2

 This is a Female Black & White pup. She is a cutie, so alert at all time. She will make a good watch dog for sure.

Possoms Pup 3

 This little pup is a Harequin Male. He is ready for a new home. Some times you can find him sitting by the road, just watching the cars go by, hoping someone will stop an adopt him.

Possoms Pup 4

 This poor little girl was born pure white and deaf. It will take a special owner to handle this pup. She needs special care and training to become all she can be. I am sure who ever adopts her will have a lot of love in their hearts. Bless you

Possoms Pup 5

 This is a Brindle Male. Looks just like his mom, Madusa. He will be a big boy, just look at his muscles..

Possoms Pup 6

 This is a Harequin Female. She has one Blue eye just like her daddy. Don't you just love her spots??  She is a little runt, but very tall. She will be a great looking bitch.

Possoms Pup 7

 This is a Boston Male. I was shocked to see such a coat color come out. Bostons are one of my fav colors. This little gal has such a shiny coat..

Possoms Pup 8

 This is a Brindle Female. I just love her white blaze on her face. She is little shy and silly but I am sure she will grow out of it with the right training.  She is just kissable..

The making of the Puppies

Rated pg 13

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   Â© 2023 by Sherri Mossop.                           Proudly created by Possoms                            Last updated 9-15-2015


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